Its a HDBaseT world…And AV2events are the Guardians of its Galaxy!


AV2EVENTS become one of the UK’s very first HDBaseT installation experts!

On the 21st of April 2016 we were fortunate enough to be invited onto and completed  one of the UK’s inaugural HDBaseT installation experts courses in Leeds provided by the HDBaseT alliance in conjunction with CIE Group the UK’s leading provider of innovative AV & electronics equipment to the professional installation and integration sector.

As a widely recognised tech within commercial and domestic pro AV arenas, the HDBaseT Alliance is a cross-industry organization formed to promote and advance HDBaseT technology for the distribution of uncompressed ultra-high-definition multimedia content. The Alliance was founded in 2010 by LG Electronics, Samsung Electronics, Sony Pictures Entertainment and Valens. HDBaseT technology enables the optimized delivery of uncompressed, ultra-high-definition digital media.

HDBaseT technology enables the optimized delivery of uncompressed, ultra-high-definition digital media, and allows you to connect all entertainment and content devices throughout the home and/or business. The cornerstone of HDBaseT 5Play™ feature set uncompressed ultra-high-definition digital video & audio, 100BaseT Ethernet, USB 2.0, up to 100W of Power (through Power over HDBaseT POH) and various control signals all through a single 100m/328ft Cat6 cable. In addition, the latest HDBaseT specification also allows for fiber as a transmission medium for UHD video & audio, controls, Ethernet and USB, for farther reach.

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Its a HDBaseT world…And AV2events are the Guardians of its Galaxy!

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